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Principal Jackie Rowedder

Thank you for taking interest in our school. The Academy of World Languages (AWL) is a PreK-8 magnet school providing a diverse cultural climate and foreign-language learning opportunities including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and English as a Second Language (ESL).

Our staff and students represent over 50 nationalities and languages. This make-up truly defines our school name, Academy of World Languages. The staff works diligently on a daily basis to ensure the needs of all students are met. We are strong in content knowledge and collaborate daily to make this one of Cincinnati Public Schools’ best programs.

We currently teach 4 languages: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. Students take approximately 150 minutes of foreign language on a weekly basis.

Our ESL students make up over 50% of our student population. They are immersed in our regular academic programs as well as placed in ESL classes according to their English Proficiency level.

AWL has been very fortunate to receive grants to support our programs. Currently, we are involved in our district's Foreign Language Assistance Program, InfOhio, and ARRA (technology grant). We are constantly searching for new grants to support our program. Please let us know if you have opportunities to share with us.

The Academy of World Languages has great opportunities to offer our families, our community, and our city. Please stop by and visit our classrooms, introduce yourself to me, and participate in our cultural events. We are excited to welcome you into our family.

Jackie Rowedder